
Sunday, October 21, 2012

100 Reasons Why I Love My Husband

1. He makes sure I have everything I need, always.

2. He makes sure our daughter has more than she needs, regardless.

3. He is the most selfless person I know.

4. He tries to be so just and fair all the time.

5. He is so compassionate and caring.

6. He is kind whenever possible, to whomever.

7. His laugh makes everything light, it's a ray of sunshine.

8. His loving gaze is bar none.

9. He is really easygoing.

10. But, he is opinionated where it counts, most of the time.

11. He is really creative and has a fantastic imagination.

12. His memory is better than mine more often than not.

13. He tries to empathize whenever he possibly can.

14. His presence is impressive!

15. Yet, he's so tender with his family.

16. He's stubborn and pigheaded sometimes.

17. He encourages everything I want to do, even this blog.

18. He only wants the best for everyone.

19. He will go out of his way to help you.

20. He stands up for himself, he wont but up with other people's BS.

21. He will stand up for you, too.

22. He loves nature and respects it.

23. He knows just how to hold me when I'm feeling blue.

24. He tries his best to comfort me while he can't hold me, even if he knows it won't work.

25. He and I can finish each other's sentences.

26. He will talk about anything if he has something to say.

27. He respects me like no one else ever has.

28. He would never take advantage of anyone else. Ever.

29. He loves to play video games, and I love that more than anyone knows.

30. We share much of our interests.

31. He loves Harry Potter.

32. I can tell him anything.

33. And he won't share it with anyone, not even his best friend.

34. He has a definite sense of honor and duty.

35. Chivalry is not dead, in his opinion.

36. He values his health, so that he can stay with us as long as he can.

37. He would do anything for his kids.

38. He loves making memories and new traditions.

39. He is in general just so family-oriented I can't imagine being anything but.

40. I love how he supported me during our daughter's birth, even when things went awfully.

41. I love that he rides my butt about things I'm supposed to already have done, but haven't.

42. I love that he is so gentle.

43. I love his smile, even though he hates it.

44. I love his scars, all of them, no matter how big or small.

45. I love that he gave his father a kidney. I can't think of anything more selfless.

46. I love that he has experience in the military, but I am also glad he's past that part of his life (what would I do without him for months and months??)

47. I love that he used to play the guitar in a band, for who else would tell me what good music I listen to?

48. I love that he isn't ashamed to do things most consider feminine.

49. As much as I hate it, I love his celebrity crushes. At least I know I'm really his type! LOL

50. Whew, I'm glad he's almost this age.

51. I'm glad for all of his life experiences, but especially for his experience in relationships.

52. I'm glad he is not too prideful.

53. I'm glad he isn't a pushover, as nice as he is.

54. I love his love of loving, bahahaha.

55. I love his gray hair.

56. I love every freckle and every mark he has.

57. I love the way he smells, even if he hasn't showered! Always smells nice.

58. I love how he doesn't mess around with relationships, when he is taken he is completely taken.

59. I love that he has expectations of me in our relationship, it shows he cares and is vested seriously in the long-term.

60. I love his view of me, when I don't see it myself.

61. I love his eyes, he has the most beautiful hazel eyes ever.

62. I love his body shape, I mean...who couldn't resist him?

63. I love that even when he knows he won't enjoy watching something, he'll do it anyways because he knows I do.

64. I love that I can look over and see him sneaking glances at me, that even (almost) four years into our relationship he loves to gaze at me.

65. I love that we both know what we want from life, and how the other person fits in that.

66. I love that he puts up with all of my quirks instead of passing judgment on them.

67. I love that he doesn't try to change anything about me and loves me as I am, but will encourage me if I want to change something for myself (temper, anyone?)

68. I love that he is not as needy as I am, I must drive him nuts. Overly attached wife, much? ;)

69. I love that he has no secrets and that we can share passwords to anything and not need to use them.

70. I love that he'll answer my anxious line of questioning when another woman wants to talk to him, or seems flirty...and answer honestly, and then be able to laugh about it later with me.

71. I love that he makes me feel secure with myself.

72. I love that he puts up with my teasing, especially when he says "y'all".

73. I love that he is so intelligent.

74. I love that he takes care of himself.

75. I love the way he says my name and how he can make me smile.

76. I love that he can be spontaneous even if we had an original plan.

77. I love how his body fits mine perfect!

78. I love that he can be adventurous.

79. I love his bed-head, and I love his hair short or long or anything in between.

80. I love first morning kisses and goodnight kisses, and all the kisses in between.

81. I love all of the little things he does to show he loves me.

82. I love that he trusts me so much.

83. I love that he near-obsesses over my safety.

84. I love how I don't feel like I have to impress him every day, he loves me even when I look awful.

85. I love how his nose is just a little crooked, and that his teeth aren't perfect.

86. I love the slope of his back and the muscles he has all over.

87. I love the way he kisses, it doesn't need to be fast and furious and crazy.

88. I love that he can drink a margarita or wine and feel no compulsion to drink "manly" beer.

89. I love the way he whispers so sweetly.

90. I love how much he can make me laugh.

91. I love his scruffy face when he hasn't shaved for two or three days.

92. I don't care that it doesn't grow in really full.

93. I love that he can tan under a light bulb.

94. I love that he loves the beach.

95. I love that I can sleep on his chest and he will rub my back the entire time.

96. I love that he will give me a massage whenever I ask.

97. I love that he has been with me through every up and down, and inside out.

98. I love that he will shrug all of this off and then get all emotional.

99. I know he will forgive me for only coming up with 100 reasons. ;)

100. Most of all, I love the kiss we shared after I said "I do." I will never forget it.

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