
Tuesday, April 12, 2016


So here I go again - I've had a few really amazing ideas! Like truly, I'm excited to have had them. I have been praying for clarity on finding a new job that will allow me to work from home - even if that means going further lengths to stay at home (taking low pay, for example). Last night I finally had some of my best ideas in a long time. The problem is - I'd be going into a market that is already bubbling and brimming with similar ideas and all; and I'd be footing the cost of the prototype myself (though honestly, it wouldn't be that expensive!) On the other hand, I don't want to just develop a prototype when I don't know how much interest it would generate in the market and I don't want someone else to steal my idea (and if I crowdsource before a copyright or other safety measure, then I'm basically giving my idea away for free). So today and tomorrow I'll definitely be thinking about fleshing this idea out and how to safely ask the market what they think. I now have three amazing ideas cooking in my brain that I'll be working towards!!

In less happy news, my mother called this week to let me know my cousin has stage 1 breast cancer. The biopsy showed that it was in the earliest stages and she'll be undergoing surgery this coming week and then beginning radiation after her best friend's wedding in May. They tested and found that it was not hereditary - but for me this is one of my worst fears. Leaving my children without me. I have no problem speaking frankly that unless something really unexpected and tragic happens, I will outlive my husband who is years my senior. I don't want to leave them with no one. On the other hand, I'm reassured that breastfeeding has lowered my risk significantly (she did not breastfeed for very long) and that I do my best to reduce my risks as it is. I'm sad for her and hopeful that it turns out to be just a blip on this timeline of her life, especially with two young daughters to also take care of.

Maire has really had a hard time with behavior for almost a year. We've tried everything but have honestly not tried anything with enough structure to help her, I think. The many tactics and methods we've tried with her simply haven't worked. I know I have spirited children so though it hasn't surprised us, it has frustrated us. It's not even that she's an exceptionally bad child, or misbehaves in any worrying or extreme way. It's that she lacks maturity, responsibility, and self-control that kids her age are supposed to be developing. She is very stubborn, will refuse to use manners and instead make demands, and otherwise just be rude, disruptive, or messy with things she knows better about.

We've tried taking her tablet, taking away the ability to have special snacks (a few cookies, a small Hershey's chocolate, or scoop of ice cream), not being able to go to the park (and more!), and those were last resorts after natural consequences. I tried a loose "marble" system (1 marble for good behavior, -1 for bad) with a reward if she fills up a very small glass with them (think half a Talenti container... my pregnant mind is now on ice cream!) And....nothing. She still treats us like the house butlers and misbehaves and refuses to use manners. So I've implemented a much more strict marble system & natural consequence pairing for her. I'm starting with it today. I will update once every week or two on how it's working or if it hasn't helped at all, so that I can share it on the chance it could help someone else!

As an end note, I am finally going to be a Tula owner! I've been hoping for a Tula since before I was pregnant with Lili, so three years ago. We could never justify the expense until I started working, and we had a million other things that needed to come first as well so it got put off. This pregnancy it was going to be my only "gift wish" so I knew I would get one, but I figured I was going to have to talk J into it and cajole until he agreed we could afford the expense (which we can, a few times over; but we are trying our best to make all expenses necessary in the hopes of buying a house in the next year or saving is our main goal.) We ordered a Tide Pool and J said it was his favorite print; and doesn't even mind the purple with the print! I am so very excited. I hope it would be here by the baby shower, but I am definitely not in a rush since I still have 10 weeks left or more!

Anyways, as always, Blessed Be! It's finally nice to be able to see the sunshine.

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