
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What do you DO all day? A Day in the Life

As a stay-at-home mom, I constantly get this question. I mean, what could I possibly do with all that "free" time, eh? So I'll walk through it.

With both me and my husband home all day, honestly day-to-day life isn't ridiculously crazy. I'll break it down into approximate times. I'm going to include most things - some days we don't do things in this order, or at all, some days are more hectic than others for various reasons etc. Some days my lovely husband lets me sleep in lots. :D

6:00 a.m.; Nurse Mairead

9:00 a.m.; Mairead wakes me up, usually Jeff too. She gets a diaper change and/or dressed.

9:30 a.m.; Coffee is made, breakfast. Maire will eat a banana, sometimes string cheese or other organic snack and some juice.

9:45 a.m.; Blue's Clues turned on with Maire in her Joovy. Jeff turns on his playstation and I shower.

10:30 a.m.; Mess around on facebook, check email, etc.

11:00 a.m.; Change Maire's diaper, nurse for 20 minutes and usually a snack (graham crackers, natural chips, organic puffs, etc.)

12:00 p.m.; If the dishes still need done, one of us will do them and/or other house chores (a.k.a Maire's messes).

1:00 p.m.; Maire's naptime, which is preceded by a nursing session of varying length.

1:30 p.m.; I'll eat lunch, and usually my leftovers are Maire's to finish or hers will be made. Usually this is cheddar and broccoli rice, buttered rice, soup with graham crackers or natural potato & spinach chips, and lately we've been trying her out with peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, etc. Always with juice.

2:00 p.m.; I'll mess around on the playstation or computer, other tasks for a while, then go back to doing house chores (if needed). Sometimes Maire wakes to nurse some more and then falls back asleep.

3-4:00 p.m.; Maire will wake up, request a snack and her "Blue Coos" (Blue's Clues). Some days we take a walk at this time to get out of the house or stop by the store to pick up a few things.

5:30 p.m; Make dinner, clean up Maire's messes (haha)! Maire will nurse again around this time, usually for a short nap.

6:30 p.m.; Maire's back up, I'll play with her if she feels like being social (she's very independent and most days wants to do her own thing.) If not, I'll usually poke around on the internet or work on various projects.

7:30 p.m.; By this time, at least one more episode of Blue's Clues has been played. She loves her "'Teve." She usually will nurse again as she begins to get fussy. most nights I'll give her a bath at this time.

8:30 p.m.; Maire gets another small snack and playtime. I'll probably eat as well. If she feels like it, we'll sit together and listen to stories read by the actors of SAG, or do Otherwise, Blue's Clues or another movie (usually Aristocats) is again on in the background.

9:30 p.m.; I'll usually mess around with projects or facebook if Jeff is playing on the playstation, although it's usually my time to play on it.

11:00 p.m.; Usually before or at this time, Maire will get tired and I'll nurse her to sleep.

11:45 p.m.; Hubby and I will play on the playstation or watch a movie and cuddle or talk. I'll usually have a snack.

12:00 a.m.; Nurse Maire some more!

1:30 a.m.; Nurse Maire and prepare for bed (if movie is over).

2:00 a.m.; Bedtime (when I'm sane! Some nights I literally can't sleep til 5 a.m.)

3-4:00 a.m.; Nurse Maire.

Rinse, lather, repeat. It doesn't sound very exciting - I know! But it is our life and I love it. It's very relaxed and very busy even if it doesn't sound like it. There are lots of laughing and giggling and tickling in this house. Oh, and snorting behind our hands when Maire gives us her angry eyes, "Are you laughing at me???"

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