For about the past week I've felt super nauseous, tired, moody, and super bitchy. I haven't been puking or sick, but I may as well be. I've also been super hot at times, radiating heat! I took a pregnancy test on Father's Day, and it was positive. But because of the cyst I didn't think anything of it, it brings pregnancy symptoms with it. As time progressed, so did my symptoms. Finally today we went and had an ultrasound done to see if we could confirm pregnancy or cyst. I honestly have been biting my fingers and pacing and moody trying to figure out if I was imagining things. The cyst really has played with my mind. I couldn't stand not knowing.
Finally, we know. Little Foot is due February 18, 2014. There was a gestational sac, yolk, and it measured perfectly with my last period (and I mean perfectly). No fetal pole was visible, but we go back the day after my birthday to confirm growth or determine if I have a blighted ovum.
I'm trying to just be happy about it and not let the what-ifs plague my mind with doubt after all we've gone through in the past couple of months. I am so excited and want to do something motherly and pregnancy related. I just don't know what yet. I guess it just doesn't feel completely real yet. I want it to be so bad! I'm happy, but I don't think my mind will be at ease until the next ultrasound.
I want to tell the world, but I don't feel right telling more than close friends (and the readers of this blog) until my next ultrasound. I don't like explaining things, and I don't want to have to explain to every person I tell that I've miscarried (again.) I, in fact, didn't tell people about my last two pregnancies for that same reason...miscarriage, which happened in both cases. I really don't need to deal with ignorant or hurtful comments during sensitive times. So I think I'll wait.
I also feel like a FTM kind of again. I feel strange about it, like clueless all over again. I totally need to refresh myself. Plus, the first time around I went with what I just thought was "basics" for my daughter, which was really more than necessary in my opinion. I'm just wondering what I'll actually need this time around. My daughter hardly ever used her swing, so I don't think it will be good idea to get one ahead of time with this pregnancy. I will see if the new baby actually might need one first. Definitely cloth diapering again. Breastfeeding again for sure! Cosleeping again! Which reminds me, I'm going to have about 8 months to full transition Maire to sleeping on her own. lately she sleeps on her own most nights, but there are occasional nights she comes to bed with me. With a newborn co-sleeping that just won't be possible. Our bed isn't big enough for my husband, me, Maire, and the newbie. I mean, we could get a cosleeper if we absolutely needed to, but they are so easily outgrown that it won't solve the problem. Clothes, that's another thing. With Maire I have boxes and boxes of clothes! Boxes!! If it's another girl, we'd be set. But we're not finding out so we'll have to get gender neutral stuff anyways just in case. Another carseat I'm not worried about, and yet I am. Our '99 Jeep GC is tiny in the back for car seats + a person (and with three adults that often go places together, it would be a squeeze). I normally sit in the back anyways, but man will it be a pain getting in and out. I don't think the newborn's carseat will be able to be in the middle, so that will be a huge issue. We will just have to see. I know it's "tons of time" to think about these things...but it's really not and before I know it we will be 30 weeks pregnant. I'm so excited, I have so much on my mind.
Finally, we know. Little Foot is due February 18, 2014. There was a gestational sac, yolk, and it measured perfectly with my last period (and I mean perfectly). No fetal pole was visible, but we go back the day after my birthday to confirm growth or determine if I have a blighted ovum.
I'm trying to just be happy about it and not let the what-ifs plague my mind with doubt after all we've gone through in the past couple of months. I am so excited and want to do something motherly and pregnancy related. I just don't know what yet. I guess it just doesn't feel completely real yet. I want it to be so bad! I'm happy, but I don't think my mind will be at ease until the next ultrasound.
I want to tell the world, but I don't feel right telling more than close friends (and the readers of this blog) until my next ultrasound. I don't like explaining things, and I don't want to have to explain to every person I tell that I've miscarried (again.) I, in fact, didn't tell people about my last two pregnancies for that same reason...miscarriage, which happened in both cases. I really don't need to deal with ignorant or hurtful comments during sensitive times. So I think I'll wait.
I also feel like a FTM kind of again. I feel strange about it, like clueless all over again. I totally need to refresh myself. Plus, the first time around I went with what I just thought was "basics" for my daughter, which was really more than necessary in my opinion. I'm just wondering what I'll actually need this time around. My daughter hardly ever used her swing, so I don't think it will be good idea to get one ahead of time with this pregnancy. I will see if the new baby actually might need one first. Definitely cloth diapering again. Breastfeeding again for sure! Cosleeping again! Which reminds me, I'm going to have about 8 months to full transition Maire to sleeping on her own. lately she sleeps on her own most nights, but there are occasional nights she comes to bed with me. With a newborn co-sleeping that just won't be possible. Our bed isn't big enough for my husband, me, Maire, and the newbie. I mean, we could get a cosleeper if we absolutely needed to, but they are so easily outgrown that it won't solve the problem. Clothes, that's another thing. With Maire I have boxes and boxes of clothes! Boxes!! If it's another girl, we'd be set. But we're not finding out so we'll have to get gender neutral stuff anyways just in case. Another carseat I'm not worried about, and yet I am. Our '99 Jeep GC is tiny in the back for car seats + a person (and with three adults that often go places together, it would be a squeeze). I normally sit in the back anyways, but man will it be a pain getting in and out. I don't think the newborn's carseat will be able to be in the middle, so that will be a huge issue. We will just have to see. I know it's "tons of time" to think about these things...but it's really not and before I know it we will be 30 weeks pregnant. I'm so excited, I have so much on my mind.